
For RJS Exam Prepartion (List of Latin Maxims)

List of Latin Maxims

  1. Ab initio (from the beginning)
  2. action personal is moritur cum persona persona (Personal right of action dies with the person).
  3. Actus curae neminem gravabit (an act of the Court shall perjudice no one.)
  4. Actus non facit reum, nisi mens sit rea (the act of the Court shall perjudice no one).
  5. actus non facti reum, nisi mens sit rea (the act itself does not constitute guilt unless done with a guilty intent.)
  6. actus reus (wrongful act).
  7. ad interim (in the meantime).
  8. ad liteam (for the suit).
  9. ad valorem (according to the value).
  10. Amicus curiae (friend of the Court).
  11. animus (intention).
  12. audi alteram partem (hear the other side).
  13. caveat emptor (buyer beware).
  14. consensus ad idem (agreement by two persons upon the same thing in the same sense).
  15. damnum sine injuria (damage without injury).


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