
Syllabus of Assistant Agriculture Officer

Agriculture :

Agro-climatology-elements and effect on plant growth, weather abnormalities and
protective measures, Elements of crop production, classification of crops, farming systems.
Tillage, Soil erosion, soil and water conservation. Soil productivity fertility and management of
problematic soils, Soils organic matter, organic manures, fertilizers and their use efficiency.
Irrigation - role of water responses, quality of water and water pollution, water requirements of
crops, methods of irrigation, drainage. Concept, scope and problems of dry land agriculture,
Problem of weeds and control measures. Seed quality and certification. Agronomy of important
crops like cereals, pulses, oilseeds, fiber crops, forage crops, sugarcane, sugarbeet, potato, cumin,
isabgol etc. 

 Objectives and methods of plant breeding, Mendel's laws of inheritance, heterosis
mutations, gene concept, plant water relationship, seed testing, type of seeds, seed production,
recommended varieties of important crops of Rajasthan. 

Soil formation and profile development, basis ideas on soil survey and classification, soils
of Rajasthan. Physical properties of soils, soil reaction, management of saline, alkaline and acid
soils, fixation of phosphorus,  potassium and ammonium in soils, essential plant nutrients and their
functions, nutrient deficiency & toxicity symptoms, various tests to determine nutrient needs of
plants, symbiotic and non-symbiotic nitrogen fixation, Organic manures and bio-fertilizers,
chemical composition of FYM, night soil, oil cakes, bone meal, fish manure and common

 Olericulture - Classification of vegetables, nursery, transplantation, seed testing and
storage, cultivation practice of cauliflower, cabbage, tomato, chillies, brinjal, carrot, radish, onion,
pea, okra, muskmelon, watermelon and sweet potato, ornamental gardening and indoor gardening-
lay out care & maintenance,  cultivation of Roses. Pomology-layout of orchards, propagation
methods, cultivation of mango,  citrus, banana, guava, pomegranate, grapes, papaya, ber, phalsa,
aonla, datepalm, Principles of fruits and vegetable preservation, dehydration, bottling, canning. 

 Peculiarities of Indian agriculture, place of agriculture in national economy. Pattern of land
utilization, size of holding, prices of agricultural commodities, agricultural marketing, marketing
functions and institutions, marketing cost and price spread. Agricultural finance and credit, credit
institutions, crop insurance, agricultural development and poverty alleviation programmes. Farm
planning and budgeting. 

 Philosophy and principles of Extension Education Rural Social Institutions, Caste and
Family, Rural Leadership, Teaching - learning Process, Audio-visual aids, teaching methods,
programme planning and evaluation, Communication Process. Diffusion theory, history of Extension
 programmes in India. CD, IRDP, Panchayati Raj, HYVP, ATIC, IVLP, ATMA, NATP,

 Place of animal husbandry in rural economy, Care and management of new born calf,
breeding bull, a cow before & after parturition, heifers, raising calves from 0-6 months, Common
infectious & contagious diseases of livestock their prevention & control, Computation of balanced
ration, Important Indian & exotic breeds of cow, buffalo, sheep, goad & camel, Breeds of chicks,
Housing of cattle and poultry, Forage production & its conservation. 

 Common Workshop tools, survey instruments, Bullock drawn implements, tools scope of
farm mechanization in India, tools & implements for land leveling, measurement of irrigation
water, water lifting devices. 

 Data collection, summarization and presentation, measures of central tendency, measures
of dispersion, Karl Pearson's coefficient of correlation. 

 Major diseases (fungal, bacterial, nematode & viral) and insect pest of field, vegetable &
fruit crops of Rajasthan and their control measures including biological methods & integrated pest
 For Notes of A.A.O. according to syllabus is available - Contact Shree Sai Competition, Call 09252919861 only With Rs. 3500/- Only. In the Pakeg Include :-  1. A.A.O. Notes according to syllabus, 2. Model Test Papers, 3 Rajasthan G.K. & General Hindi Paper I Notes. Order Now - 9252919861. Notes will reached within 3 to 4 working days by VPP.


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