GK - General Science : Quiz - 1
1. What are elements containing the same number of protons but different number of neutrons called?a) isotopes
b) isobars
c) compounds
d) allotropes
2. Which of the following is not an air pollutant?
a) sulphur dioxide
b) carbon dioxide
c) hydrocarbons
d) nitrous oxide
3. Which of the following is the only liquid metal?
a) hydrogen
b) chlorine
c) mercury
d) water
4. Which of the following acids is most important in building tissue proteins?
a) linoleic
b) amino
c) lactic
d) saturated fatty
5. Nameplates made of brass get discolured in air because of the presence of which of the following gases in the air?
a) oxygen
b) nitrogen
c) carbon dioxide
d) hydrogen sulphide
6. Which one of the following nitrogenous fertilizers is not very effective in acidic soils?
a) ammonium sulphate
b) urea
c) nitrolin
d) calcium nitrate
7. What is the correct increasing order of abundance of the main components of air?
a) oxygen, nitrogen and argon
b) argon, oxygen and nitrogen
c) nitrogen, argon and oxygen
d) nitrogen, oxygen and argon
8. Diamond and graphite are similar in
a) crystal structure
b) density
c) electrical conductivity
d) atomic weight
9. High alumina cement can be prepared by heating a mixture of bauxite and
a) tricalcium aluminate
b) dicalcium silicate
c) limestone
d) gypsum
10. Which of the following is the most toxic gas?
b) carbon dioxide
b) carbon monoxide
c) nitrogen
d) hydrogen
1. isotopes2. nitrous oxide
3. mercury
4. amino
5. hydrogen sulphide
6. urea
7. argon, oxygen and nitrogen
8. atomic weight
9. dicalcium silicate
10. carbon monoxide
GK - General Science Quiz 2
1. Which one of the following contributes largely to the green-house gas effect?a) ozone
b) carbon dioxide
c) carbon monoxide
d) water vapour
2. Kalyansona and Sonalika are high yielding varieties of which crop?
a) rice
b) wheat
c) jowar
d) none of these
3. Which one of the following is an air-pollutant present in the atmosphere?
a) oxygen
b) nitrogen
c) carbon monoxide
d) hydrogen
4. Who among the following is associated with ‘Operation Flood’?
a) Baba Amte
b) V Kurien
c) MS Swaminathan
d) Dr Mody
5. Which one of the following crops requires continuous semi-aquatic condition for cultivation?
a) wheat
b) rice
c) sugarcane
d) ground nut
6. Which one of the following is responsible for the depletion of ozone layer?
a) chloroflurocarbons
b) methane
c) PAN
d) sulphur oxide
7. Which one of the following serves as host tree for silkworm to produce good silk?
a) banyan tree
b) mulberry
c) hibiscus
d) chrysanthemum
8. Which of the following was the world’s worst industrial disaster?
a) Chernobyl nuclear accident
b) Bhopal gas tragedy
c) Minamata Syndrome
d) The Three Mile Island mishap
9. The Chernobyl nuclear accident took place in
a) 1986
b) 1979
c) 1984
d) 1990
10. The first Earth Summit was held at
a) Rio de Janeiro
b) Port of Spain
c) Dar-e-Salaam
d) Buenos Aires
11. The Operation Tiger is concerned with the protection of
a) Tigers
b) jungles
c) wild life
d) environment
12. The increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere causes
a) rise in earth temperature
b) fall in earth temperature
c) no change in earth temperature
d) increase in ultraviolet rays
13. Which of the following soils is very hard to cultivate?
a) red
b) alluvial
c) black
d) sandy
14. Of the following metals, which one pollutes the air of a busy city?
a) cadmium
b) chromium
c) lead
d) copper
15. The Kaziranga sanctuary is famous for which of the following animals?
a) royal tiger
b) one-horned rhinoceros
c) Gir lion
d) birds
1. carbon dioxide2. wheat
3. carbon monoxide
4. V Kurien
5. rice
6. chloroflurocarbons
7. mulberry
8. Chernobyl nuclear disaster
9. 1986
10. Rio de Janeiro
11. tigers
12. rise in temperature
13. red
14. lead
15. one-horned rhinoceros
GK - General Science Quiz 3
1. The only anthropoid ape to be found in India is thea) hanuman monkey
b) lion tailed macaque of Western Ghats
c) slow loris of Assam
d) white browed gibbon of Assam
2. Which of the following crops is affected by the pest aphid?
a) rice
b) wheat
c) sugarcane
d) gram
3. The highest milk-producing breed of goat in India is
a) Barbari
b) Jamnapari
c) black Bengal
d) Beetal
4. Which one of the following crops enriches the nitrogen content in soil?
a) potato
b) sorghum
c) sunflower
d) pea
5. Which one of the following is not a plantation crop?
a) sugarcane
b) coffee
c) tea
d) rubber
6. Which one of the following is used as a good bio-fertilizer in rice fields?
a) Azolla
b) Moss
c) A green legume
d) cow dung
7. ‘Chipko Movement’ is related to
a) forests
b) agriculture
c) industry
d) bee-keeping
8. Operation Flood is associated with
a) sea food industry
b) oil and natural gas exploration
c) processed food industry
d) dairy industry
9. The Central rice research institute is located at
a) Kolkata
b) Chennai
c) Cuttack
d) Hyderabad
10. Which one of the following gases is not a greenhouse gas?
a) methane
b) carbon dioxide
c) nitrous oxide
d) chloroflurocarbons
1. white browed gibbon of Assam2. wheat
3. beetal
4. pea
5. sugarcane
6. Azolla
7. Forests
8. Dairy industry
9. Cuttack
10. nitrous oxide
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