Keep color consistent across different devices and count on reliable output to any media.
Color management
Photoshop simplifies color management by gathering the controls into the Color Settings dialog box and providing predefined settings for the most common workflows.
Color options
Whether you're creating artwork for print or Web, Photoshop lets you choose the color mode that's best for the job. When you're creating imagery for four-color printing, you can work more efficiently--and use a wider range of filters--by creating the art in RGB mode. Use the Gamut Warning command to identify colors that can't be reproduced in CYMK so you won't be disappointed with the results when you convert the finished, flattened file to CMYK.
Precision print controls
Photoshop gives you precise controls for printing full-color images, spot colors, duotones, or grayscale and black-and-white art. For high-end prepress workflows, there are even controls for dot gain, black-plate generation, and more.
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